Saturday, January 9, 2010

Bellevue... ):

hey. I'm in Bellevue right now, but just for a few hours. me and Amy, and my bro Andrew have to stay at my sister Carmen's house, while my parents and all my older siblings go to my cousins engagement party. my mom and dad wouldn't let us go to it because we just kids and we won't have fun! that is totally not true cause my cousins that are 14 and 10 were gonna be there. i am so mad. i stayed here all day playing the Wii, computer, and we went to the park with my older bro and my nephew. it was really fun at the park. there were these spinney things at the little kids section that are sooo fun!!!! it was awesome!!!! now i am bored waiting for my parents to come to pick us up. they didn't even leave the party yet and i'm just bored. i don't want to go home though. i really hope we go to my cousins house afterwards, but we probably won't because my mom has to work tonight at 8:00. i really, really, really hope we go!!! i love their house soooo much,it's like a mansion. it's the biggest house i've ever been in. AW MAN!!! my bro just told me we have to leave!!!! that sucks really bad! well i guess i got to go now. i'll write again soon!
Sara Zagrean <3


  1. When my baby is older I'm totally going to tell her that my husband and I are going to go to a lame grown-up party and then sneak off to Wild Waves. Parents need party time too!

  2. ha ha. that's funny, and a great idea! ha ha.
