Saturday, November 21, 2009

My Cousins House.

hey. i didn't take those pictures of the fireworks, my older brother did. he's good photographer. he took that class senior year...last year. these are some pics my brother took for photography! (8 hope ya like. ha ha. oh and Pecos is this guy from school. his name really isn't Pecos. Sage and i just call him that. so...Yesterday i went o my cousins house! we got there at 6:30pm and we left at like11:30pm from their house. my cousin Erik is here right now. he came home with us last night. all we did at their house was play in my cousins room, eat, watch Hannah Montana (lol) and play with my nephew (cause he was there) and my baby cousin Brenden, he is turning 2 on Nov. 26... Thanksgiving!!!! they have a HUGE house!!!!! the biggest i have ever been in. and they just built another part to it because of the baby and all. it is awesome and really nice! now they have a pool table and a new bedroom for the parents. it's cool! i can't wait until Thanksgiving!!! all my siblings are coming and the food!!! yummy!! i'm super excited! then Christmas is in about a month!!!!!! woo!!! see ya l8r! (8